
Chaplain John Wheeler

Transport for Christ (TFC) was started in Canada in 1951 by a truck driver named Jim Keys. It became known in Australia through an article in the Decision magazine in 1972. Grahame Wheeler wrote to TFC Canada for information and then with his brother, John, began the ministry in Australia.  In 1984 Grahame resigned and the work has been continued  by John, together with the elected Board and many supporters and volunteers.  The ministry has spread from Canada to the USA and from there to Russia, parts of Africa and South America as well as Australia.

The ministry of TFC is principally to truck drivers – both local and interstate drivers who are often away from home and families for some time e.g. three weeks on a Sydney to Perth trip.  These drivers need someone (the TFC chaplains) they can ring for a chat or, on occasions, practical help e.g. a driver in Victoria who needed a bus fare to return home to Kalgoorlie after a truck breakdown.  This driver has been a member of TFC for many years and repaid the loan so others could be helped.  

Over time it has become apparent that this ministry is needed and available to anyone, men or women, who choose to make contact e.g. three travellers who needed petrol money to reach Wagga. This was on opportunity to share the gospel with these men.

The main means of publicity and contact is through the publishing of a quarterly 16-page magazine named the Highway Evangelist.  Ten thousand copies of the magazine are printed in Mittagong and distributed throughout Australia to supporters and subscribers.  Many supporters order bulk copies which they place in local roadhouses and trucking companies e.g. Adelaide, Wollongong and Miles in Queensland.  Some copies are sent directly to roadhouses where the owners have agreed to make the magazine available to Truckies and travellers e.g. Port Hedland in WA. The magazine is edited in Perth, printed in Mittagong and assembled by volunteers in Mittagong, Forbes and Dubbo.

Some of our wonderful volunteers assembling the Highway Evangelist magazine